🗳 Voting: Representativeness. Legitimacy.

A huge number of Argentines hesitate 🤔 between voting for the least bad, voting blank or not participating at all.

👎 The campaign has been a parade of vanities, disputes, pettiness, intellectual rusticity and grandiloquent words disguising inconsistent proposals and invisible teams.

As a result, an exhausted and indifferent citizenry turns its back on candidates who melt away in solitude as their echoes reverberate in the void.

It is a thunderous message to the political class that those who are dissatisfied, instead of voting for their opponent, should stop voting or vote blank. Not only because of the immediate consequences for the election, but also because the crisis of representation is deepening and extending over time: whoever wins will lack the legitimacy to govern.

So, however disenchanted you may be, go and vote. And to build our future and get excited again, let's keep working to achieve our goals:

A State Policy Plan and a Law of Goals. And governments that are accountable to us for them.

Just as in 1982 we Argentines agreed to maintain democracy, today we must agree on a federal economic development plan that will defeat inflation, allow us to grow, give us back our future horizon and the possibility of living and working in peace.

📔 It is the agenda that we Citizens must set for politics; because whoever wins, without our social licence and our drive, the vacuity will continue and its eternal zero-sum game will keep us stagnant.

🇦🇷 Let us persist towards the Argentina we know is possible.

🗳 That's why... Go and vote!

Plan País Argentina: From dream to reality

It is up to us.

Join in! 🙌🇦🇷:


#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
#PlanCountryArgentina 🇦🇷
#SetAgenda 📔
#TodosJuntos 🤝🏼
#5Pillars 📌
#DreamToTheFacts 🌈
#Votá 🗳

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