🚂 Conference "Agro-bio-industrial development requires a historical reparation of the railways" 🚂 Conference "Agro-bio-industrial development requires a historical reparation of the railways".

🎯 Plan País Argentina together with other organisations we invite you to participate in the Conference "Agro-bio-industrial development requires a historical reparation of the railways"..

Organised by the Eng. Agro. Fernando Vilella and the Public Accountant Claudio Molina.

The event will be opened by Juan Manuel Fernández Arocena, Chief of Cabinet of the Secretariat of Agriculture; Omar A. Maturano, General Secretary of La Fraternidad Trade Union; Damián R. R. Contreras, President of Ferrocarriles Argentinos Sociedad del Estado; and Dr. Gustavo E. Schrauf, Secretary of Development and Institutional Relations Fouba.

When? Wednesday 16 November at 9:30 a.m.

📍 Where? Agribusiness Pavilion, Faculty of Agronomy, National University of Buenos Aires - Av. San Martín 4453 CABA.

💬 At the end there will be time for questions to the speakers.

Citizens: it is important that we inform ourselves in order to be able to setting the agenda.

We look forward to seeing you! 🙌🏼

Admission is free.

⚠️ Requires prior registration by sending an e-mail to bioeconomia@agro.uba.ar

💪🏼 To build a new Argentina join: www.planpaisargentina.org

#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯

#PlanCountryArgentina 💙

#FixTheAgenda 📒

#EventoFerroviario 🚂


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