We are not a political party, nor do we claim to be.

Each principle has more specific concretisations. They allow for a higher level of specificity through clarifications and/or examples.

  • #1 - Basic human rights do not emanate from the state; the state only recognises them.
    1. Basic rights derive from the very nature of man.
    2. Society and the state progressively discover rights.
  • #2 - A society in which not everyone thinks alike is desirable
    1. Diversity of ideas is something to be promoted, not tolerated.
    2. Diversity includes not agreeing with the other, without forbidding it.
  • #3 - As we think in different ways, we have to agree on the rules of coexistence.
    1. The first rule of coexistence is the National Constitution. It is non-negotiable.
    2. All other rules are valid if they respect the national constitution.
  • #4 - Abiding by the rules we agree on is rewarded; breaking them is punished.
    1. He who always respects the law deserves praise.
    2. Whoever does not respect it (regardless of ideological affinity), deserves to be repudiated.
  • #5 - Effort deserves a reward
    1. We should all have the right to make that effort, we did not choose where we were born, nor the conditions of our education. 
    2. To (be able to exercise the right to make that effort and) aspire to the social mobility we all deserve, it is It is essential to have an effective state that fulfils, and very well, two functions that are indispensable to it: health and quality education.
    3. So, yes: the best student deserves the flag and the hardest worker deserves to get rich (if that is what he or she wants). 
  • #6 - The end does not justify the means
    1. Nothing (even if it seems good) can be done against the law.
    2. The law was made to protect the rights of all, including the bad guys.
  • #7 - Freedom to think and say what you want is non-negotiable
    1. You can say anything. If by saying so, someone commits a crime of slander, libel or defamation, it must be reported.
    2. Freedom of the press serves to protect citizens from the arbitrariness of those in power.
  • #8 - Higher levels should not do what lower levels can do
    1. What can be done well by the private sector should not be done by the state.
    2. The state must take care (and very well) of its own affairs.
  • #9 - Wealth is not available: it must be created. And you have to create the conditions for it
    1. We need to generate laws that attract and retain investors.
    2. The laws that attracted investors should not be changed.
  • #10 - Don't spend more than you earn
    1. If the state spends more, it generates inflation. Inflation is paid for by the poorest.