A meeting point for citizen dialogue and purposeful conversation.
On Saturday 18 March our second face-to-face Agora will take place in Formosa city (*1).
Why Formosa and why a second time?
Because in Plan País Argentina we advocate a Federal Argentina in development and growth, we know that each and every one of Argentina's provinces, with a Strategic Plan, macroeconomic order and legal security, can achieve prosperity (*2) and Formosa is an emblem of everything that should not be.
We Argentines must be aware of the extent to which this is the case and not turn our backs on a reality that must also challenge us.
❗️Formosa, with natural conditions conducive to being a wealthy province, which could generate quality private employment and a future horizon for all its inhabitants, is one of the poorest provinces in Argentina.
There is no access to private property there, so there is no private investment and no entrepreneurial enthusiasm.
With all its potential wealth paralysed, it receives 6 times what it contributes in co-participation, its gross geographical product is the lowest in the country, 0.6 %, and its share of exports is less than 0.1 %.
The opening of the Agora by Plan País Argentina will make us reflect on the construction of a committed and informed citizenship and the essential role it must play to achieve the goal of individual and community well-being.
We will talk to Cristiano Ratazzi and Francisco Paoltroni about the possibilities of growth and development of Argentina in general and Formosa in particular, the factors that prevent it and how to overcome them.
Proposals for sustainable productive development and infrastructure for the province will be presented.
Join us! 🙌🏼
Only a united and informed citizenry will succeed in renewing party politics that is far removed from the problems and interests of the citizenry, in setting the agenda on the unavoidable need for a Strategic Plan and State Policies that will be maintained, whoever governs (*3), and in carrying out the cultural transformation that will take us forever away from our decadence.
Let's turn our dream into a project and make it come true! 🚀
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#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
(*1) https://www.planpaisargentina.org/presentacion-agora/
(*2) https://www.planpaisargentina.org/provincias-argentinas-pueden-ser-israel/
(*3) https://www.planpaisargentina.org/que-son-las-politicas-de-estado/