Cambiar:To give up one thing and receive or take another in its put one thing in the place of another. Transform:To cause something to change transmute something into something else. All our candidates talk about "change". Some more conservatively, others more ...
#NoStop #SíWorking
Argentines do not want to stop. Argentines want to work. We want to work to prosper and live in peace; in a predictable country, integrated into the world, in which our own and others invest and generate abundant quality employment. Argentines already ...
Congratulations dear co-builders of Plan País Argentina!
Congratulations dear co-builders of Plan País Argentina! As part of the cultural pact of Plan País Argentina we declare: "We do not do party politics. Nor do we particularly support anyone who does. However, our members, just as they are free to vote for ...
Superaviary or parasitic - that is the question!
In this week after the first round and in the process of reflection towards the ballot that will define our government for the next 4 years, we thought it was important to share again our text about the importance of creating value. Parasitism ...
Massiveness and knowledge
Another presidential debate for pity and oblivion. Without data, without quality information, without generating any knowledge. Another missed opportunity to start designing a future horizon. What is "data"? Pure objectivity. What about information? Processing ...