Dialogue is active listening, empathy, coexistence. Dialogue is to disagree, to differ, to disagree. Dialogue is not a monologue, nor a discussion, nor a debate, nor a diatribe. To converse is to respect the uniqueness of each person, recognising the richness that exists in ...
Change or transform? That is the question.
Cambiar:To give up one thing and receive or take another in its place.to put one thing in the place of another. Transform:To cause something to change form.to transmute something into something else. All our candidates talk about "change". Some more conservatively, others more ...
Being together is more important than agreeing on everything.
Spread the word! It is more important to be together than to agree on everything Let's build the Argentina we long for. Let's talk and generate among Argentines principles of minimum consensus to establish state policies that transcend any government of the future.
Let's build trust
Trust is synonymous with hope, dialogue, cooperation, mutual commitment and reciprocity. Trust is credibility, predictability and accountability. To be able to trust presupposes a correlation between what is thought and said, and what is said and done. Without trust there is no progress, no building, no ...
#NoStop #SíWorking
Argentines do not want to stop. Argentines want to work. We want to work to prosper and live in peace; in a predictable country, integrated into the world, in which our own and others invest and generate abundant quality employment. Argentines already ...