Usina Tecnológica - Module N°1 of the Technology and Innovation Programme. 🎯 Plan País Argentina promotes that the most up-to-date technologies are within everyone's reach. At our beautiful headquarters in the Colegio Máximo de San Miguel, in alliance with ...
Winter holidays creating and having fun!
Plan País Argentina invites you to spend the winter holidays creating and having fun! 💻 Get trained in 3D Printing: you will learn how to use 3D design and modelling software that will allow you to export and print your design ...
Usina Tecnológica + Argencon
It is with great joy that today we tell you about the alliance of our Usina Tecnológica with Argencon 🔗. Argencon is the first entity in the country that brings together companies of the Knowledge Economy💡. It works to generate the conditions that favour the ...
Usina Tecnológica San Miguel / April
Usina Tecnológica San Miguel opens new courses in April! 🙌🏼🚀 ❗️Si you are between 13 and 18 years old, you live in San Miguel and you are passionate about technology and innovation: you can't miss it! Are you interested in Robotics? 🤖 You will ...
ISOLOGO - Usina Tecnológica
💭 To turn a dream into a project and implement it. This is what we work on every day at Plan País Argentina. Usina Tecnológica was our first project in the territory and it has already trained more children and adolescents than we could have imagined when we started it. ...