Of overtaking mirrors and breaking pitchers

"So much does the pitcher go to the source that in the end it breaks..." (or on the dangers of recidivism).

🖋 A metaphorical form that alludes to the limits of patience and to the frontier that often separates the routine of everyday life and the sudden rupture of the unexpected. The pitcher breaks, just as patience runs out.

Politics is an instrument for improving reality. To build a better world, a better country.

When this does not happen, and citizen dissatisfaction (with its enormously powerful energy) cannot be channelled into proposals (which are also listened to), it overflows. Patience runs out and the consequences become unpredictable.

Latin America is a mirror that moves forward. Chile. Peru. Colombia.

It is difficult to return when the limits have been crossed.

It is difficult to redirect what has overflowed.

It is difficult to repair what is broken.

"So much does the pitcher go to the source that in the end it breaks..." (especially if the person carrying it is clumsy and short-sighted, as the grandmothers used to say).

📞 Telephone for our party politics, officialism and opposition, which is still busy with its trifles.

There is still time.

To channel our energy: "propose" and not just protest, join:






🎨 Work:

So much for the pitcher going to the fountain...

Circa 1895. Oil on canvas, 155 x 323 cm


Quesada, Jaén, 1864 - Madrid 1950

Spanish painter and restorer

Source: Museo Nacional del Prado

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