Of Power

We can think of power as a "thing" that someone holds.

In general, this is how we think of it: the power of our parents when we are small, the power of the school principal, the policeman on the corner, the mayor, the governor, the president.

But we can also think of power (as Foucault did) as micro-powers.

Many micro-powers.

Power would then not be a "thing that someone holds", but a number of small powers that are articulated.

Power would be a "relationship".

In a network? Infinite relationships that articulate and enhance each other.

Seen in this light: who would hold more "power"?

The partisan politicians who are elected, along with the officials who are elected by them and surround them?

Or the citizenry, who in a network of collective and collaborative intelligence, make their "relationships" grow, come and go, dialogue; exchange information: bottom-up, top-down and transversally; reflect, "propose" and protest endlessly?

Let us assume #EPower we have.

We are #Citizenship.

The sum of infinite micro-powers that relate, articulate and demand, in pursuit of the Common Good.




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