1. What is Plan Country Argentina?
We are not a political party, nor do we claim to be. We are a collaborative citizen intelligence network and our aim is to produce a detailed Country Plan composed of State Policies that, together with the cultural change to sustain them, transcend political cycles and allow for the development of a Federal Republican Argentina that is sustainable, participatory, vibrant, productive, growing and creative in order to include everyone.
2. What is a collaborative intelligence network?
The collaborative intelligence is a form of intelligence emerging from the interaction of many individuals that results not only in ideas, but in actions.
It enables a group of people to create better shared knowledge and make decisions, with a greater chance of overcoming the challenges and difficulties posed by different human activities in an increasingly complex and changing environment.
In Plan País Argentina we promote the collaboration of different individuals, we define ourselves as a network because of the connections and interactions between members. We are an organisation of citizens united by a common purpose. We are driven by dialogue, group reflection, thinking outside the box to put ideas into action and generate positive impact in our country.
3. Who is part of Plan País Argentina?
We are heterogeneous and diverse citizens who reflect and "propose". Plan País Argentina does not have an owner, leader or candidate. We respect breadth, we bring together people who think differently and we do not make value judgements about certain positions. We are united by the same purpose under 10 principles https://www.planpaisargentina.org/10-principios-para-un-pacto-social/. See coconstructors members at: https://www.planpaisargentina.org/integrantes/
4. How is Plan País Argentina financed?
Plan País Argentina is financed by contributions from its members. Did not receive, do not receive, and will not receive public funds of any nature.
5. Why did you create a Roadmap?
Our Roadmap is a reflection of what we want and what we believe our country also needs. To turn a dream into a project and execute it step by step. To have a plan. A strategic vision, not just a tactical one. Argentina suffers from a high level of economic and social fragility. It is one of the countries in the region that has grown the least in recent decades. There are more poor people, and the chronically poor are even poorer. While the country's present and future crumble, public policies feed partisan interests. There is a split between the needs of a society with a mortgaged future and the political agenda, whose concern is to maintain its hegemony and privileges. We need a plan of action, to work in stages at specific times. We need to plan and organise ourselves, to unite our energies around the same purpose. That is why the Road Map and a series of talks of the same name in which different guests will make their contributions.
6. Is or will Plan País Argentina be a political party?
We are not and do not claim to be or to form a political party.
7. Could you define why you are political but non-partisan?
As human beings we are political, the policy is part of the essence of every man. Aristotle defines man as a political animal in its social and political dimension, creates societies and organises life in cities. We are supra-partisan because our objective is above any partisan interest, we do not seek to benefit particular candidates. We look after the interests of the citizenship We believe in citizens who are committed and make their contribution from a different place. We believe in citizens who take their commitment and make their contribution from a different place. This does not imply that the members of our network do not belong to a party, provided that they are not seeking elective office. Participating in Plan País Argentina and having a party preference or position are not incompatible with the purpose of the network.
8. Is Plan País Argentina against political parties?
No, quite the contrary. We believe in the need for citizens' representativeness and above all in the prestige of party politics. A large part of the public sees the parties in a state of disrepute. Plan País seeks to raise the bar, to promote the citizens' agenda, to influence so that our representatives listen to it and exercise their role with dignity, addressing the key issues for the well-being of all the inhabitants of Argentina. We believe that the ruling class should not only be at the service of the citizens, but also at the height of their position. Party politics will only change if the citizenry does.
9. What is meant by State Policies?
These are made up of a set of actions that demonstrate a modality of state intervention in relation to issues of public interest. These policies must be independent of election results or the ruling party. Achieving consensus and maintaining these State Policies over time makes it possible for them to be sustained even when there are different party expressions. This consolidation of State Policies, common to all relevant forces, allows the transition to a government of a different party without affecting the Plan. In order to be implemented and sustained over time, public policies must be supported by the deep convictions of the citizenry. Convictions cannot be imposed, but we can inspire and promote them. Countries that implement State Policies that transcend political cycles, even with less potential than Argentina, manage to prosper.
10. What do you call a Social Pact?
We propose to carry forward a strategic plan for growth that achieves consensus among all citizens, based on agreed basic principles. We call this a social pact. We are facing a historic opportunity for Argentines. We are the emergence of a mature citizenry eager to participate. New paradigms of high impact and change are being born. Our Federal Republic needs a critical mass of powerful, vigorous, intense, generous and transparent citizens, who bring body and soul to its spirit.
11. Why the 10 Principles?
The 10 principles for a social pact enable cohesion and keep us united. They are the cross-cutting foundations of the entire development plan. They foster growth and the creation of wealth, which, if properly circulated, will generate opportunities for all Argentines equally.
12. What will be the deliverable of Plan País Argentina?
As stated in our Roadmap, our objective is the elaboration of a detailed Country Plan composed of State policies that transcend political cycles and allow the development of a Republican Federal Argentina that is strong, productive, growing and creative to include everyone. The final deliverable will include all of Argentina's provinces, the development of each and every one of their regional economies, the amount of export dollars that this development represents, the number of direct and indirect jobs and the positive impact on other areas. We believe it is imperative that in Argentina we stop talking about "fighting poverty" and instead talk about "generate wealth and circulate it".. Putting the issue on the agenda, making it a common ground, overcoming, with cross-cutting support from all citizens.
13. Will Plan País itself carry out all the projects that make up the Comprehensive State Policy Plan?
Plan País is a network of networks. A system of interaction and collaboration. There are countless excellent projects that have slept and are sleeping in the drawers of officials from different administrations of all political persuasions. Plan País Argentina will take these projects from Universities and public and private organisations, Research Centres, Business Chambers, Citizen Observatories, Think Tanks, related groups, etc., analyse them and synthesise them with their corresponding copyright and supporting bibliography. It will add the relevant work of its teams of experts, citizens, business people, entrepreneurs, doers, only when and where necessary.
14. What do you call a Federal Republic?
We call a Federal Republic a country with provinces that are developed down to the last corner, that enjoy sovereignty and autonomy both politically and economically, that do not have to pay obeisance to the central government in exchange for co-participation funds, with governors who, without indefinite re-election, govern with a vocation for service, responsibility and the ability to generate prosperity.
15. What kind of development do you advocate for our country, province by province?
We propose a Triple Impact Sustainable Development: environmental, social and economic, structured in what we call "our 5 pillars": bioeconomy, mining, energy, knowledge economy and tourism.
16. What do you think of the Environment and Development dilemma?
We believe that such a dilemma does not exist, that it is a false conflict, destined, like so many others, to crack and divide. Environment and development go hand in hand and we always work taking into account the importance of both.
17. What is the relevance of the presidential debate?
Delegation to institutions is never absolute and citizens must participate in and influence the future of public affairs. One of the objectives of Plan País Argentina is to be at the centre of the Presidential Debate 2023. Organised as a network of networks, citizens can influence the agenda. As a society we have common challenges, candidates must be attentive to the demands, proposals and needs of citizens. If we manage to bring together millions of Argentines, we will have the opportunity to be actors of change that promote State policies that transcend political cycles. Regardless of who wins at the polls, our agenda and proposals will have an impact. Our proposal is born out of demand, channelling the needs of a citizenry that needs to be heard, Argentines committed to the present and future of their country.
18. Does Plan País Argentina have any relation with Venezuela's Plan País initiative?
No. We share the name, but we are not linked.
19. Have any party politicians already joined Plan País Argentina?
We do not engage in party politics. Nor do we particularly support anyone who does. However, just as our members are free to vote for whomever they wish, they are also free to work and offer their knowledge, individually, to the political force of their choice. Our objective is that in Congress, principles of minimum consensus are reached that allow us to legislate State Policies, for the growth and sustainable federal development of our country, that will continue beyond any political cycle. The more Plan País citizens there are in the different levels of society, the more possible it will be. If at any time a member of our network is a candidate on any list, is a party leader or takes up a position as a government official, he or she will cease to be a member of our network as a co-constructor; he or she will be able to resume his or her collaboration once his or her term of office is over.
20. Could a civil servant who has been active in politics or a politician who has been a civil servant be added?
Yes, having been a civil servant in a bureaucratic, obstructive and inefficient state like Argentina's is a great reason to work for Plan País Argentina. To know from the inside how productive projects are shelved, how Argentina pays fortunes (year after year) in "commitment fees" for loans granted for public good projects that are not carried out because they do not know how to implement them, let alone execute them, to hear first-hand how people routinely reply "that is not my area of responsibility" to get rid of responsibilities, in other words: to know the workings of this gigantic "impeding machine", is very valuable.
Plan País Argentina therefore works with a method where, for each area (bioeconomy, knowledge economy, mining, fishing, housing, tourism, taxes, employment, co-participation, etc.) there is a macro (an expert, an academic), a micro (businessman, entrepreneur, trader, trade unionist -depending on the field), a civil servant o former official and a disruptor (who generates deep dialogue and synthesis between sectors that generally find it difficult to debate, let alone agree).
21. What kind of activities do you carry out or plan to carry out?
Those who want to stay informed can follow our networks and join us on our site www.planpaisargentina.org to receive news in your email inbox.
22. How can I be part of Plan País Argentina?
A first level of participation is join in, share and give visibility to our initiative among friends and acquaintances. The second level building bridges Universities, public and private organisations, research centres, business chambers, citizen observatories, think tanks, related groups and individuals who already have projects linked to the country's growth. The third work as a member of the equipment in the different pillars and areas: bioeconomy, knowledge economy, energy, mining, tourism, connectivity, infrastructure, national water plan, fisheries, housing, employment, taxation, co-participation, deregulation, others. And the fourth sign to present the State Policies under the Law 24.747 in our Congress. You can participate in one, several or all of them. To choose your level of participation go to: https://www.planpaisargentina.org/quiero-sumarme/
23. What are your rules of participation and tenure?
Read our rules here. We prioritise constructive and respectful debate.
Those who want to stay informed can follow our networks and join us on our site www.planpaisargentina.org to receive news in your email inbox.