Spread the word!
It is more important to be together than to agree on everything.
Let us build the Argentina we long for. Let us talk and generate among Argentines principles of minimum consensus to establish State policies that transcend any government in office.
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And if you don't have networks, watch and share it on WhatsApp here: https://www.planpaisargentina.org/estar-juntos-es-mas-importante-que-estar-de-acuerdo-en-todo-2/
Plan País Argentina: From dream to reality
It is up to us.
Join in! 🙌🇦🇷:
#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
#PlanCountryArgentina 🇦🇷
#SetAgenda 📔
#TodosJuntos 🤝🏼
#5Pillars 📌
#DreamToTheFacts 🌈