At first imperceptibly, then more noticeably, something began to change last year. And it deepened. 👇🏼
We call it "The king is nakedThe metaphor with which we illustrate that it is becoming increasingly difficult for party politics to hide behind the garb that today we see as transparent: narratives, empty slogans, talking only about the past, blaming each other, chicanery, lack of proposals, personal power ventures, quidditches, manoeuvring, castling. Wanting to divide the citizens in order to reign 🙄.
The deepening decadence, the lack of a dream, the lack of a long-term project for the country became manifest and became flesh: Citizenship began to set the agenda 📔 💪🏼.
Prosperity is our right. If we don't claim it, who will?"
During the last week, after the mid-term election crowned citizen displeasure and a fictitious PASO, with non-existent or deficient internal elections (depending on whether one looks at the government or the opposition), within both coalitions there has been talk of internal elections without "dedazo" 🤏🏼 for 2023. Registration is welcome. We will keep a close eye on the process.
On the other hand, it is also beginning to become clear that it is unavoidable to start working now ⏳ on a short, medium and long-term government programme, with suitable professionals, advisors and team leaders, who could be ministers tomorrow, to accompany the representatives of the coalitions and parties who are elected to be candidates for president in 2023.
We must put an end to improvisations and patches 🎈 accompanied by their corresponding sanatas, verses and sarasas. No more balloons 🎈, rainbows of colours 🌈, old pibes 🧟♂️ in the courtyards of palm trees. Argentina needs proposals and a renewed politics that works. Inhabiting a new paradigm.
A government plan is not abstractions, short-term announcements, media impact, isolated measures or mere instruments for the refinancing of a debt 🚫. A government plan is a macro/micro strategic programme that promotes development to the very last corner of each Argentine province: the autonomy and economic independence that each one is entitled to by lineage ✅.
👉🏼 Argentina is a Federal Republic. Each of our provinces could be, on its own, as prosperous as an Israel.
Therefore, no more impoverishing provincial feudalism with cheap senators at the service of the central power ✋🏼. We want an end to indefinite elections and we want honest and qualified senators who work for the prosperity of their provinces.
Enough of parties with "owners", "hand-picked decree-makers", "chronic castling" ⛔️. Let us work on the renewal of party politics together with a Growth and Development Plan and its State Policies that transcend the governments in office 🚀.
Let us make the future live in the present.
Let's set the agenda 🎯.
Enough verse ✋🏼
Enough with the bullshit 🚫.
IWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
Join us!
Too many things need to change in this country in order to aspire to a better future. Primarily from the basis of education. Change economic policies, reduce the public deficit state, change labour laws and encourage the creation of SMEs that generate employment by removing taxes for companies that take people from plans and train them while they continue to pay the plan until they are ready for formal employment. There is too much to do and change in a country where so many benefit from the state's business dealings, too many public employees or receive subsidies while between 5 and 8 million stupid people support the rest. A cultural change is needed.
I agree with the proposal to set the agenda towards a way forward, this also brings a joint effort, both the political class and the citizens !