Road Map - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan
On Thursday 18 November, the 13th meeting of the cycle of talks called Roadmap - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan took place.
We present an exhibition and exchange with specialists in sustainable meat production and development, representatives from academia, production and business.
🥩🍖 Carnes Argentinas: sustainable production and low impact carbon footprint.
The world's population is growing every day, sustainable production and development are essential to feed more and more human beings. Argentina has a unique bio-economic opportunity, meat production is one of the most important food chains in the world. more jobs it generates, the country's biggest exporter and the country's biggest dollar earnerand at the same time develops indispensable technologies for the care of the environment.
In Plan País Argentina we know that it is possible to produce, take care of our natural resources and our planet at the same time. Meat production in our country generates a carbon footprint that is well below international values: this is an immense opportunity to grow within the framework of a sustainable economy that generates quality food, investment, business creation, quality jobs and the income of dollars essential for the development and modernisation of our country.
Production, care, measurement and reduction of environmental impact are some of the topics we addressed in this meeting.
They accompany us:
📌 Maria Florencia Ricardis a Natural Resources and Environment Engineer (UNLPam), Master in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources for Agriculture and PhD in Agricultural Sciences (UNMdP). She is a doctoral and postdoctoral fellow at CONICET, teacher, researcher, author of scientific articles and technical advisor to international organisations such as GPPS, GRSB and RTRS. She lives in Santa Rosa, La Pampa.
📌 Mario Aguilar Benitezis an agricultural entrepreneur, involved in sustainable development and the circular economy. He lives in Rayo Cortado, Córdoba.
📌 Belisario CastilloHe is a graduate in Agricultural Administration, with a postgraduate degree in Agribusiness (FAUBA), cattle and meat trader, and livestock producer. He was president of the CREA livestock commission. He lives in Tandil, Buenos Aires.
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