Roadmap - Bioeconomy

Argentina Country Plan. Bioeconomy

Road Map - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan

On Thursday 24 June 2021, the ninth meeting of the cycle of talks called Roadmap - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan took place. 

🌱 Bioeconomy: an opportunity for economic growth, sustainable development and job creation in Argentina.

The Bioeconomy reconciles environment y economy through technology. In Argentina, the knowledge economy, regional economies and technological developments are making headway to generate, together, a sustainable alternative for economic growth, while at the same time generating social benefits.

The Bioeconomy in Argentina is an opportunity for growth, welfare, sustainability, job creation and inclusion.

Guest panellists:

📌 Fernando VilellaAgricultural Engineer (UBA). At the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA he is Professor of Agribusiness and Director of the Bioeconomy Programme and Co-Director of the postgraduate course in Agricultural and Environmental Finance and Director of Sustainable Biobusiness, he was Dean 1998-2006. Consultant for CARI. Columnist for Mitre y el Campo. Member of several Steering Committees (MAIZAR, SOLIDAGRO, AABeH...) Professor of several Master's Degrees. Author of 15 books, 3 videos, 39 international publications, among others...

📌 Clara LacauShe is an Agronomist Engineer from the UBA. Director and CFO at Pedro A. Lacau e Hijos S.R.L. She has been a member of CREA's executive committee for 4 years. She also participates in the Marianne Association of French-Argentine women, promoting links in different areas between both countries.

📌 Mayco MansillaHe is an Agronomist Engineer and is finishing his Master's Degree in Agribusiness. He is Technical Manager of the Biobusiness Network in Aapresid, teacher in the Diploma of Sustainable Biobusiness at the UBA and Bioeconomy at the UNL, he is a member of the Rural Las Colonias and CARSFE (CRA).

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