We are not a political party, nor do we claim to be.

We are a collaborative citizen intelligence network and our aim is to produce a detailed Country Plan composed of State policies that transcend political cycles and allow the development of a Republican Federal Argentina that is vigorous, productive, growing and creative, in order to include everyone.

Plan País is not just a document. It is action. An action that permeates the steps, the path and the goal. Its aim, among others, is to be centre of the Presidential Debate 2023. That citizens are informed. Candidates should not be able to avoid it. Take on the role of the Statesman which we have lacked for decades. Be network of networks. Influence, captivate, enthuse and enamour. 

As a network, we are deeply political and cross-partya basic prerequisite for a fundamental transmutation of the Paradigm of Argentina. Party politics will only change if the citizenry does. We must think outside the box, it is a key moment and a historic opportunity. We are emerging from a mature citizenship and eager to participate. New paradigms of high impact and change are being born.

For reaching millions of citizens will work on a robust and scalable technology platformwith broad representation from the private sector, academia, civil society and the technical community, through a dynamic with different levels of participation and commitment.

Our agenda is managed in multidisciplinary and heterogeneous working groups, in a structure of pillars and areas such as: bioeconomy, knowledge economy, energy, mining, tourism, connectivity, public/private interaction, infrastructure, national water plan, housing, employment, taxes, co-participation, deregulations, others.

Public policies are fragile. It may be impossible to implement them or sustain them over time if they are not supported by the deep convictions of citizenship. Convictions cannot be imposed, but we can inspire and promote them. We can make them grow by putting them into words. We will elaborate the Plan in stages and communicate it to society in an understandable way, backed up by principles for a social pact, that unite and unite.

Our Federal Republic needs a critical mass of powerful, vibrant, intense, generous and transparent citizens who give body and soul to its beautiful spirit.

We can do it together. 

We need you to be part of it.

Join us!