Road Map - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan
On Thursday 27 October 2022, the 18th meeting of our cycle called Roadmap - Cycle of reflections towards a Country Plan took place. On this occasion we present an exhibition organised together with CAEM: Mining and sustainable social development.
⛏️ Is it possible to do mining and at the same time generate sustainable social development?
Yes, it is possible. To this end, it is essential to engage in dialogue and purposeful conversation in the communities where mining will be established, with all actors and stakeholders, to inform, to allow fears and doubts to be expressed, and to build trust.
Communication. Proximity. Transparency.
They accompany us:
📌 Rodolfo TarraubellaPresident of the United Nations System Entity, CIFAL Argentina and creator of the Secretariat of Sustainability and Climate Finance. President of the EcoConciencia Foundation and creator of the "Community Transparency System". Organiser and special speaker at the forum on Mining and the United Nations.
📌 Luis VacazurFounder and vice-president of the "Cámara de Proveedores de Servicios Mineros y Turísticos de la Puna Argentina" (Chamber of Mining and Tourism Service Providers of the Argentine Puna). CEO of GVH, leader in Integral Logistics Solutions. Active protagonist in the promotion and dissemination of the potential of mining in the Puna Argentina.
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#PlanCountryArgentina 💙
#M Mining and Development