Plan País Argentina is a citizen network of collaborative intelligence whose objective is the elaboration of a detailed Country Plan composed of State Policies for the development and federal and sustainable economic growth of Argentina. At the same time, it works in depth on the cultural change that sustains them, so that they are maintained, transcend the governments in power and allow the development of a Federal Republican, prosperous, participatory, regenerative and creative Argentina to include everyone.

Plan País Argentina is not, nor does it pretend to be, a political party and is not financed by public funds of any kind, only by the contribution of its participants. It is open to any citizen who wishes to participate.

Our space works horizontally, by areas, with coordinating and working tables made up of co-constructors who contribute their knowledge.

As part of the cultural pact of Plan País Argentina we declare:

"We don't do party politics. Nor do we particularly support anyone who does. However, just as our members are free to vote for whoever they want, they are also free to work and offer their knowledge, individually, to the political force of their choice. 

Our objective is that in Congress, principles of minimum consensus are reached that allow us to legislate State Policies, for the growth and sustainable federal development of our country, that are maintained beyond any political cycle. 

The more Plan País citizens there are at different levels of society, the more possible it will be. 

If at any time any member of our network is a candidate on any list, is a party authority or assumes a position as a government official, they will cease to be part of our network as an active co-constructor and will become an outgoing co-constructor. This means that for the duration of his or her mandate, he or she will not be able to work, hold any position, or carry out any tasks in Plan País Argentina. At the end of his mandate, he will be able to resume his collaboration".


Abolsky, Esteban Luis

Abihaggle, Carlos

Agú, María Luz

Aguilar Benítez, Mario

Alpert, Inti

Amarante, Lorena

Aristegui, Diego

Arzuaga, Ximena

Balbo, Susana

Barañao, Lino

Beltrame, Valeria

Benavidez, Pablo

Bensusan, Soledad

Benvenuto, Isabel Maki

Berenstein, Luciano

Berti, Luciana

Bilotte, Alberto

Bisang, Roberto

Bondolich, Carolina

Britos, Sergio

Cabariti, Mónica

Cabrera, Alejandro

Caldiz, Daniel

Camps, Miguel

Canda, Marcelo

Cano, José María

Capello, Marcelo

Castillo, Belisario

Castiñeira, Ramiro

Carloccia, Alberto

Clusellas, Julian

Colina, Jorge

Colombo, Anibal

Converti, Roberto

Corbella, Valentina

Cornejo, Ivan

Cornejo, Pauli

Cuburu, Carlos

Delgado, Gabriel

Destéfano, Claudio

Dondo, Santiago

Dumandzic, Maria Gabriela

Echesortu, Ciro

Figueroa, Ana Inés

Foster, Julio

Fritzche, Robert

Giraudo, Pilu (Retired Coconstructor - Vice-president INTA/ Bioeconomy Secretariat)

Galeazzi, Luis

García del Río, Adrian

Gentile Turdó, Francisco

Giaccone, Juan Carlos

Gimenez, Pablo Andrés

Goro, Gabriela

Grassi, Andrés

Grgic, Ivan

Griffa, Gabriel

Groisman, Enrique

Guerrico, Javier

Güiraldes, Juan José

Guyot, Chani

Hernandez, Mario Benito

Iglesias, Eduardo

Iramain, Juan

Jasper, Mariana

Junco, Brian

Kogan, Jorge

Kohen, Sixto Tomás

Lacau, Clara

Lando, Marcelo

Lapolla, Fernando

Lattari, Mariano

Lavalle, Laura

Lechardoy, Mariano

Lonac, Catherine

Maccallini, Franco

Magaldi, Diego

Magnani, Victoria

Magnarelli, Sebastian

Mansilla, Mayco

March, Carlos

Marin Fraga, Veronica

Markic, Mario

Martín, Julieta

Martinez, Christian

Meiter, Fernando

Miazzo, David

Mignacco, Franco

Mignone, Santiago

Miazzo, David

Millet, Annie

Molina, Ricardo

Mondino, Diana

Montamat, Daniel

Morley, Miguel

Nardone, Pablo

Niz, Coco

Nogués, Gustavo

Orlando, Ariel

Outeiral, Eduardo

Pariziek, Bernardo

Peirano, Claudia

Perez, Carlos

Perkins, Pancho

Pimentel, Nicolas

Pisani, Nicolle

Puente Olivera, María Lourdes

Rappoport, Luis

Rattazzi, Cristiano

Reca, Alejandro

Rein, Nicolas

Ricard, Florence

Riedel, Roby

Rodríguez, Héctor Mario

Rodriguez, Pablo

Román, Luciano

Romero Sagastuy, Felipe

Rooney, Julian

Roulet, Elva

Sarquis, Leonardo

Scatizza, Carlos

Serenellini, Juan Ignacio

Sierra, Hector

Syracuse, Martin

Spina, Charlie

Storni, Adolfo

Tarraubela, Rodolfo

Tateossian, Corinne

Tomasini, Gabriela

Torres, Marcelo

Vacazur, Luis

Varela, Belén

Vartabedian, Martin

Vidal Meyrelles, Gonzalo

Viel Temperley, Verónica

Viglizzo, Ernesto

Vigneau, Pierre

Vilella, Fernando

Wagmaister, Roberto

Whamond, Alan

Winograd, Mariano

Withrington, Susy

How can you participate?

The levels of participation of Plan País Argentina are:

1- Disseminate Plan País Argentina. Be a protagonist. Be a multiplier leader.

- This is the first level of participation: to become a multiplier leader. Be part of, share and give visibility to our proposal among friends, family and acquaintances. In networks, be active: nothing generates more trust than word of mouth. On WhatsApp, IG, FB, X, TikTok, Linkedin upload images and @ of Plan País in statuses and profiles. Like, interact and share our posts, invitations, photos, newsletters and links. Talk in the street, with radios, newspapers and magazines spreading our proposals. We need many multiplier leaders to create a culture of federal development and growth in our country and to reach every corner of the country advocating the importance of state policies that will last beyond the government of the day. We are also organising a network of "leaders of leaders": a "leader of leaders" for each municipality. There are 1298 of them. If you want to be one of them (apart from joining in the desired levels below) join specifically here:

 2- To be a network of networks. Building bridges.

- The second level is building bridgesto individuals, universities, public and private organisations, research centres, companies, chambers of commerce, citizen observatories, think tanks, and related groups that already have projects linked to the growth and development of the country.

 3- Working in teams

- The third is working as a co-constructor in our teams, whether in our 5Pillars: bioeconomy, mining, energy, knowledge economy, tourism and/or in other areas: integration to the world, exports, co-participation, deregulation, taxation, housing and territorial development, regional economic development, national water plan, public-private articulation, environment, infrastructure; gathering information, analysing and synthesising it for the Decalogues and the Final Deliverable.

4- Support us with your signature

- If you feel represented by our proposal, you can join us with your email address and fill in all your personal details so that, when the time comes to present the State Policy Plan in Congress, through the Popular Initiative LawWe will be able to count on your signature and the process will be faster. Your data will be protected and will not be shared with anyone. We will ask for your consent to use your signature when required, we will never use your signature without your explicit approval.

5- Support us financially

Plan País does not and will never receive public funds of any kind. We are financed by the contributions of our own members. Growing to become massive and a space of influence setting the agenda is not only a huge job but also costs a lot of money. Every contribution, however small, helps us. The annual contribution allows us to organise ourselves with a longer-term vision. You can contribute here:

Be part of it, be a protagonist: join the one you want!

If you want to join us, you can do so. here