OUR CULTURAL PACT - Strategic Partnerships


Strategic alliances

The word "alliance", derived from Latin, is the sum of the verb "alligare": "to bind", "to unite", and the suffix "anza": quality of the one doing the action.

An alliance is a covenant, pact, agreement, between two or more parties.

Strategic" comes from the Greek "strategikos" and means "relating to the art of leading armies", from "stratos": army and "agein": "to lead, to carry out", plus the suffix "ico": relating to.

Strategic is then that which is linked to strategy: the directives for coordinating or managing something.

📍 Strategic alliances occur when two or more organisations come together to achieve common goals and benefits for all, a synergy in which the results achieved are expected to be better than the results achieved on their own.

Allies do not create a new organisation, but maintain their identity while increasing their strengths and decreasing their weaknesses as they work to achieve their purpose.

Plan País Argentina is a citizen network of collaborative intelligence whose objective is the elaboration of a detailed Country Plan composed of State Policies that transcend political cycles and allow the development of a Federal Republican Argentina that is strong, productive, growing and creative to include everyone.

We are also working on communicating and talking in depth about what these State Policies are and what they are essential to get us out of our decline, since it may be impossible to implement them or sustain them over time if they are not supported by the deep convictions of the Citizenship. These convictions cannot be imposed, but we can inspire and promote them. We can make them grow by putting them into words and shedding light on what is not understood or known.

In these tasks, strategic alliances are an essential and indissoluble part of our philosophy and our cultural pact. We are happy to see that today in Argentina there is a growing number of compatriots and organisations of all kinds, regardless of ideologies, who are mature and ready to work for the prosperous Argentina we long for. There are already many of us who are ready to unite behind this common purpose.

We thank those who are already members and strategic allies and invite those who are not yet members to join in any of the levels of participation that you will find on our site (levels of participation at the end of the post).

Argentina needs a critical mass of powerful, strong, intense and generous citizens to give body and soul to its beautiful and battered spirit.

We can do it together. 😊

We need you to be part of it.

To keep up to date with our proposals, to continue informing ourselves, reflecting and working together for our Argentina, join us at:


#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯


#P CulturalPact


We thank Sosteniblepedia for being a source of inspiration. More on Strategic Partnerships.

👉 The levels of participation (you can join all or some of them) are: firstly, to disseminate Plan País Argentina, to join, to feel part of it, to share and give visibility to our initiative among friends and acquaintances, to share our pdfs, publications, invitations, photos, newsletters and links; we also have leaflets to hand out in neighbourhoods, neighbourhoods, newspapers and magazines. Secondly, to be a network of networks, to build bridges to universities and public and private organisations, research centres, business chambers, citizen observatories, think tanks, related groups, individuals, who already have projects linked to the development and growth of the country. Thirdly, work as a member of the Plan team, our Final Deliverable in the different areas. Fourth: support us with your signature to present the bills in the Congress under the Law 24.747 of Popular Initiative.

Choose yours here.

Our areas of work.

Law 24.747 on Popular Initiative.

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