Building active citizenship
The concept of active citizenship refers to the capacity of civil society to organise itself and intervene directly in its reality.
People's ability to work as a group on the basis of shared values, their civic awareness and their sense of ethics and solidarity are basic elements to ensure a climate of social trust and institutional strengthening as a guarantee of democratic governance.
Hence the relevance of what we at Plan País advocate as "massiveness and knowledge": not to be satisfied with belonging to groups of informed, participatory citizens with a global vision in accordance with the times we live in, but to ensure that this information and this vision reaches all our compatriots, regardless of their social, economic and/or cultural situation, so that together we can all participate actively, with our own autonomous reflections.
Reflection, action and impact must be demand-driven, not supply-driven, and we must be aware that together we constitute real power, as real as we reflected in our post last year: "From power.
📌 Citizens have a series of rights and obligations. This is not a mere formality, and can basically be expressed in two ways (in a future post, we will go into more detail):
Passive citizens have little interest in problems that do not directly affect them. They tend not to get involved in social or protest issues that are not related to their own circumstances. In general, they tend to have the idea that it is not possible to do anything to change reality.
➡ The active citizen, on the other hand, has an interest in politics, in "politics" in the most beautiful sense of the word, that of the Zoon politikon Aristotelian. He feels the duty to participate in the reality around him, he has a personal commitment, his attitude is proactive and he gets involved with those causes he considers just.
👨🦰👩🦱 The construction of community, of convergences in diversity, of a "we Argentines", beyond particular, sectorial and party political interests, is indispensable to set the agenda, to renew party politics and to get out of our sticky decadence forever.
👉 Party politicians are well aware of this social phenomenon and keep it in mind when designing political strategies.
Let us always remember that we are votes, but let us bear in mind that in order to make a difference and stop voting for the "least bad" it is important to align ourselves behind a common purpose: the prosperous Argentina that has been slipping through our fingers for decades, and with it, our peace of mind and our future horizon.
❗ It is imperative that we need a Development and Growth Plan together with State Policies that will be maintained, whoever governs.
📢 Citizens: let's inform ourselves, let's distribute information and set the agenda.
#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
Join in www.planpaisargentina.org!
🙏 We thank Sosteniblepedia for being a source of inspiration. For more about "Community building y "Active citizenship.