A Popular Initiative is a mechanism of direct democracy, through which citizens can present law initiatives, without being representatives in congress.
Popular initiatives allow us citizens to become participants in the creation of laws and thus act as true sovereigns of our country. .
In Argentina The possibility of a Popular Legislative Initiative was introduced in our Constitution in 1994, with the regulatory law 24.747.
What is needed to submit a Popular Initiative? The signature of at least 1.5% of the population. In other words, more than 500,000 citizens who feel represented by a common project.
In Plan País Argentina we want to make use of Law 24.747 to present a Country Plan composed of State Policies that transcend political cycles and allow us to grow and prosper economically in the long term. .
We believe that a Plan for our country is essential to overcome the constant crises we are going through.
Let's all Argentines shout out loud: #YoQuierounPlanparaMiPaís!
How can you join? With your email on our website you will receive updates on progress, news, Webinars and more; if you fill in the information we require you will help us to locate you more easily to request your signature when the Plan is finished. We will always consult you before!
With a #IPopularInitiative we the citizens are the protagonists of our present and future .
Let us use the rights given to us to our advantage!