🤔 Why do we say "exit the labyrinth from above"?
Someone might well say that you can't get out of a labyrinth from the top. That getting out at the top is easy, a kind of "cheating"; that you should get out by going through it, knowing every part and finding the way out intelligently.
But "getting out of the labyrinth from above" is not a mere rational phrase; human beings are much more than mere rationality. We are emotions, we are feelings, we are made up of dreams that we long to make come true.
Getting out of the labyrinth from above" is therefore a relevant metaphor. As relevant as "lowering our dreams into a project and executing them".
The ideal house can be dreamt of, but it will be difficult to live in it if it is not designed, the relevant structural calculations are made, and it is built with the correct knowledge and technique.
Making Argentina the country we long for implies not only having our dreams 💭 but also being capable of structuring a strategic plan 🗓 to achieve them. Having different results from our consistent decline implies doing things in a very different way from the way we have been doing them; and we, the citizens, must play a leading role, also very different from the one we have been playing.
👉🏼 Argentines know the labyrinth by heart. We have lived in it and suffered from it for decades.
To "get out of the labyrinth from above" is then the dream that guides the vocation of exit, that knowing it well and finding the way out in the only possible and intelligent way: a good Plan 🎯.
The time has come to get out of it, and from above. To turn our dreams into a project and execute them 💪🏼.
To demand that party politics be what it should be: an instrument in favour of changing reality for the better ✅. Not for the worse ❌.
It is up to us, his constituents.
The attitudes, the commitments, the decisions that our country needs to pull it out of its decadence are very different from those that party politics, on one side of the divide and on the other, have been taking for years.
❗️Los Citizens are votes, never forget that. We have the weight and power to act and make an impact.
An informed and mobilised critical mass, together with a good Government Plan for Growth and Development can change our reality forever 🚀.
Let's set the agenda 📇.