If you don't help me win, why should you have a position in "my" government?

  • If you don't help me win, why should you have a position in "my" government?
  • Because I have the capacity and the knowledge to serve the Argentine people.
  • It is not about serving "you" or "your" government.


A fictional dialogue? No.

A reflection of the fact that party politics has lost its awareness of its role in society.

The fact that he is in temporary charge of the government. That he is a circumstantial administrator of what is ours.

Argentines are fed up with living in a decadence generated by inept and short-sighted governments.

A reality that we want to transform.

In our country there is a lot of talk about macroeconomics (a truism that is never solved because it is so obvious) and nothing about microeconomics or federal growth and development.

Much less is said about the importance of state policies that are maintained by whoever is in power to ensure that growth and development are realised.

Of a strategy and a long-term vision. Setting objectives and targets. Mechanisms to monitor that they are met.

No candidate has spoken seriously and in depth about how to enlarge the economic pie in Argentina. About the pillars on which we can be globally competitive. Those that allow us to generate foreign exchange, quality jobs and help our country and our people to move forward.

It is essential to know the government programmes (not mere instruments that may or may not be there) and the teams that will carry them out. Teams that cannot be made up only of economists. But also "with" economists.

Knowing the path that the right people propose for a surplus fiscal balance and a surplus trade balance.

Argentina no longer tolerates incompetence.

People in the know must have a place in any political armada.

Let us demand an end to friends, relatives, "militant comrades".

An end to ineptitude and improvisation.

Goodbye to nepotism.

Knowledge is welcome.

60 days of campaigning ahead.

Candidates should be able to propose and Argentines should be able to vote.


Plan País Argentina: From dream to reality

It is up to us.

Get in! 🙌🇦🇷:


#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
#PlanCountryArgentina 🇦🇷
#SetAgenda 📔
#TodosJuntos 🤝🏼
#5Pillars 📌
#DreamToTheFacts 🌈

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