Superaviary or parasitic - that is the question!

In this week after the first round and in the process of reflection towards the ballot that will define our government for the next 4 years, we thought it was important to share again our text on the importance of creating value.

Parasitism inhabits not only our inefficient and ineffective state, but part of all socio-economic classes in Argentina.

It is one of the relevant factors of our decline.

Superaviary or parasitic?
That is the point!

The word surplus refers to a surplus or surplus. 📈

Deficit refers to what is missing 📉.

When more goes out than comes in, we go into deficit, and that makes any project or enterprise unsustainable in the long run 👎.

If we manage to earn our livelihoods through our efforts and hard work, we become super-wealthy people. 👍

To be a surplus means to make a decent living from one's own effort and work; to create value.

Parasites live off the efforts of others; they destroy value and values.

The rift is not left or right.

The real rift is between being a Super-surplus or a Parasite.

What about you?

Which side of the fuse are you on?

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Plan País Argentina: From dream to reality

It is up to us.

Join in! 🙌🇦🇷:

We are not a political party, nor do we claim to be one.

#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯
#PlanCountryArgentina 🇦🇷
#SetAgenda 📔
#TodosJuntos 🤝🏼
#5Pillars 📌
#DreamToTheFacts 🌈
#SuperaviaryParasitic ⚖

Plan País Argentina is you! 🙌🇦🇷

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