We are cross-partisan

🤔 Why are we "supra-partisan"?

👉🏼 SupraLatin prefix meaning "beyond" "above" "over" "above".
👉🏼 Aprefix of Greek origin meaning opposition, lack or deprivation of something.
Plan País Argentina is a space that by its essence transcends parties, governments, ideologies and political signs. It also, by essence, wishes to endure 👐🏼.

In our philosophy, we propose a proactive attitude ✅ instead of a reactive one, the use of "and" instead of "or", of "yes" instead of "no", as much as possible.

In Plan País Argentina, although we are not a political party, we do not aspire to be one and we do not work for any political party, we are deeply political and we value politics as a tool to change reality. Unlike a party, we do not hold ideologies, but work with ideas 💡. We generate, articulate, store and distribute them. We make them available to everyone 🙌🏼.

Ideologies constrain and limit. Ideas open up, enrich: they make us free 🕊.

All this implies a need to delay and reflect on the use of any word that tries to define us, to label us, and even more so if it begins with a privative. E.g.: a-partisan.

Can one be defined from the other? What's more: by negating the other?

Defining ourselves by what we are not would contradict our philosophy. Defining ourselves by what we are not is also a way of allowing ourselves to be constrained and limited.

🗣 We define ourselves as supra-partisan because we take from the prefix supra its meaning of "beyond", its meaning of transcendence.

We are supra-partisan, not because we are "above" or "above" political parties in an immanent quantitative order but in a transcendent qualitative order.

We are a action tank citizen who looks to the 21st century 🚀 to make an impact on ours, the complex and fascinating 21st century.

And we love disruption!

Ideas 💡. Action 💪🏼. Impact 📈.

#YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry 🎯

Join us at Plan País Argentina


  1. My proposal, no more political parties, with ideologies that are generally for the tribune and do not deliver.
    Yes to neighbourhood leaders
    End trade unions
    No more than 12 parliamentarians, why do I want hundreds of deputies and senators if they don't represent us and vote as a block?
    Reform justice, he who does it pays, exemplary and swift sentences.

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