Turning Waste into Resources

Did you know that waste can be transformed into economic resources?

At Plan País Argentina we know that the economic value of waste can generate quality employment and economic development for all.

Organic waste can be turned into compost by composting. This compost contains excellent nutrients for all types of crops.

On the other hand, your waste is a resource (plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, metal, cork, tergopol etc), and work for many!

It's a win-win! You help others, you help the planet, you grow your own food and consume good quality, organic products.

Helping the planet and each other needs joint action. It needs all of us together united for the Common Good.

Productivity, social development, work and care for the environment are possible.

If you want to know more about Plan País Argentina's partnership with the recycling cooperative El Correcaminos you can visit the following website link.

You can also learn about Coco Niz's life story and how recycling saved his life and provided employment for him and many families on our YouTube channel by clicking here. here.

Illustration by Fernando Lapolla.

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  1. I find it interesting, and at the same time I understand that without a political leg it would be difficult to have the power to change many things that I see as ideal ideas for our country. The issue is to carry them out , I am a Peronist and I am also tired of the fights between political sides that does not help us at all . You get to the point of seeing that no one wants to get off the horse. And in all honesty the doubt that your space generates, with all due respect and without offence, is whether it will become a sort of future party of the libertarian type. Which I would not share at all.

    1. Hello Leandro! Plan País Argentina is not, nor does it pretend to be, a political party. Our objective and the way we work to achieve it is explained in the Identity tab, in our Institutional pdf and in all our social networks. Thank you for your comment and for raising your doubts by enabling dialogue. We'll be in touch! We look forward to hearing from you.

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