Webinar 21/02: Tourism in Argentina

📢 In this 15th meeting of the Cycle of talks called Hoja de Ruta - Ciclo de reflexiones hacia un Plan País, we present a presentation on the unequalled possibilities of tourism in Argentina, with Eduardo Outeiral:

Tourism: potential for development, foreign exchange earnings and job creation ✈️🗺

Do you want to know why Argentina is the country with the greatest potential for growth in foreign exchange and employment through tourism? Until 2020, tourism was the largest industry in the world, the one that employed the most people and the one that grew the fastest after the great world crises, and its development is a huge opportunity for our country, especially at this time. How can we build a strategic identity, a "country brand" that will help us grow and generate jobs? Eduardo, travelling from the end of the world, tells us all about it. 🙌🏼.

It accompanies us:

📌 Eduardo Outeiral: holds a degree in Marketing and teaches Services Marketing. Founder of Haciendo Destinos www.haciendodestinos.comthe first tourism think tank in Argentina, which is part of the Explora Foundation. www.explora.org.arHe is the director of Far Away Travel, of which he is the director, and has more than 70 tourism projects of social aid in Argentina. He is the owner of the tourism consultancy Far Away Travel, author, consultant and advisor in tourism-based development.

⏰ When is it? Monday 21 February - 19hs. Time Buenos Aires, Argentina

📲 Free online activity. Prior registration is required at bit.ly/TurismoPlanPais

❓You can leave your question or reflection by mail to hola@planpaisargentina.org or live at the meeting to share it with everyone.

We are waiting for you!

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