Bioeconomy Decalogue

The Decalogues will be presented to our Congress under Law 24.747 as State Policies that will be maintained, whoever governs. Until then, they are under construction for the contribution of all compatriots with knowledge and concerns in this regard.

Decalogue for the development of the country based on the Bioeconomy.

1. All Argentines have quality job opportunities, as well as equal access to a modern health system and a healthy diet.

Among Argentina's multiple heterogeneities, there is unequal access to essential public services such as health, to sources of formal work in its various qualifications, and to access to healthy diets. Together with education target 2, these constitute a strong obstacle to the settlement and decentralisation of the population. As bioeconomy means adding value to biomass, and that value is fundamentally sophisticated knowledge, it is essential to generate these conditions to promote it.

2. Universal access to quality education, guaranteeing rapid and effective entry into the most in-demand jobs and those with the highest technological complexity.

In the knowledge era, those who do not have access to quality education will be marginalised from the jobs of the future. Our education system is not designed for these objectives, especially at the secondary level and its technical branch. It is a long-term priority process that requires the greatest efforts. However, in case the economy wakes up from a decade of stagnation there will be many unskilled jobs without trained personnel, to fill the gap a specific and temporally bounded design suitable for these purposes is required. Public-private agreements according to specific requirements are a
possible format.

3. Drastic reduction of poverty in all areas with the generation of genuine employment.

Growing poverty is a product of the general failure of macroeconomics and the lack of development policies, both of which are necessary and complementary, both are required. The lack of incentives to invest and labour laws are central to the lack of private job creation for many years. Reformulating both traditions is essential to generate hundreds of thousands of new jobs and to bring about half of today's irregular workers back to normal.

4. Argentina Carbon Neutral. Bioeconomy and circular economy are state policies.

Humanity is generating an environmental deterioration that threatens life as it has evolved over the last millions of years. This means that linear production systems, the use of hydrocarbons as a source of energy or as an input for chemical industries have reached unsustainable levels. The bioeconomy is a broad circular economy providing not only food and fibre but also bioenergy, bioinputs, bioplastics, medicines and many other sustainable products. Both the nations with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreements and global consumers have become aware of the need for these changes. Argentina's environmental commitments can be met from current bio-economic systems refined with metrics achieved from associated ICTs.

5. The associated Argentine production model is a country brand associated with products that are healthy for the consumer and produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Argentina's bio-economic systems are showing low environmental footprints in both carbon and water. If it is proposed, with state policies, it can offer multiple environmentally friendly products, as well as for its successive value-added products. It is not only possible, but also very necessary to identify as a Country Brand what is obtained by the bioeconomy with care for the environment in order to grow and establish a presence in the most relevant markets.

6. Competitiveness is central to fiscal policies and the basis for effective export promotion of foreign exchange-earning products and services.

There are only two sectors that have a positive foreign exchange balance, the bio-economic and the knowledge industries. The former also accounts for 70% of exports. Its competitiveness is in spite of the lack of incentives, in fact there are data that show that, unlike the rest of the OECD countries that promote their agricultural sectors in Argentina, the value is less than 25%. This sector, together with the other pillars of the Country Plan (energy, knowledge industry, mining and high-value tourism) will generate foreign exchange based on their competitiveness and positive balance.

7. Argentina is a leader in the incorporation and/or generation of biotechnological and informatics knowledge in its bioeconomic chains.

Part of Argentina's bioeconomic competitiveness is based on its rapid incorporation of frontier technologies. It is important that part of this is locally developed and, in the case of imported technologies, that there is the social capital to incorporate them rapidly. Argentina has the conditions to be a platform for the incorporation of frontier technologies based on the structure of its decision-makers. These bioindustrial entrepreneurs are relatively younger and a higher percentage have gone to university than their competitors.

8. Investment in infrastructure and logistics in line with the tax and fee contributions of the Bioeconomy in each locality.

The only bad agro-bio-industrial state policy in recent years has been export duties. They take funds away from the productive territories and are allocated to others as subsidies that do not generate structural changes. If part of the tens of billions of dollars had been invested in infrastructure where they are generated, many of the problems would be solved. Roads, access to energy and rural connectivity are essential to develop and harmonise territories. All new technologies that use sensors and programmes to generate traceable and sustainable products require a network that is currently partially deployed in the territory. Even in the province of Buenos Aires, more than two thirds of its territory does not have access to electricity grid power suitable for industrialising biomass, nor are there any policies designed to encourage local renewable energies.

9. The Foreign Ministry's main objective is to be the instrument that opens up opportunities for the trade of Argentine goods and services to the world.

Argentina does not generate the dollars needed to sustain the quality of life that its society requires. In the same historical context and with a similar matrix, each Uruguayan exports twice as much as each Argentinian. A minimum doubling of current exports is an objective that will only be achieved if the current matrix, centred on animal feed (soybean and corn flour), is changed to human food plus energy, minerals and their processing derivatives, knowledge industries and high-end inbound tourism. This change requires international agreements where the foreign service must become a negotiator and facilitator of new and more sophisticated markets for this set of goods and services.

10. Argentina open to international markets alongside an enlarged MERCOSUR.

MERCOSUR and Argentina are the most closed economies in the world. For various reasons, and with Argentina's strong influence since the beginning of the century, the bloc has stagnated without visible progress. There is a tension between these poor results and the need to go to the world with the greatest possible political critical mass. In this vision of openness and the need to open markets, Argentina has advantages if it does so together with its partners, if and only if it manages to undo the current isolation. It would be important to add other countries such as Chile, Bolivia and Colombia to the current configuration.

Verifiable objectives.

  • Make Argentina Carbon Neutral by 2050.
  • By 2030, exported products, as appropriate, will have triple impact and animal welfare certifications.
  • A law on Carbon Markets with ownership by the generator will be enacted by 2025.
  • In 2024, a Seed Law will be passed to allow genetic progress of all species within a framework that ensures intellectual property rights for those who generate it.
  • By 2025, standards will be generated to ensure efficient education and training based on science and technology.
  • Form a multidisciplinary group to formulate strategies by 2025 to consolidate a country brand that associates Argentina with products that are healthy for the consumer and sustainable for the productive environment.
  • Improve by 20 % the PISA Index at secondary and its equivalent at primary level for rural areas by 2030.
  • The entire population of Argentina has access to a 5G computer network by 2030 and 4G by 2025.
  • Pass legislation during 2024 that promotes a sustained level of investment to add value in the territory.
  • Regulate by December 2025 the early uptake of modern technologies such as biotechnology or applied informatics.
  • Promote a profound change in the qualifications of researchers in the public system to facilitate interaction with the productive system.
  • Exports per capita will double by 2030 (base 2021), supported by all foreign exchange-earning chains or services.
  • Zero migration from provincial territories to large national cities by seeking reverse migration from the generation of job opportunities and modern infrastructure detectable in the 2030 census.
  • Set by law a percentage of sectoral tax contributions to be spent locally on infrastructure, logistics and innovation in line with sectoral contributions.
  • Activate and reformulate MERCOSUR as a platform for vigorous negotiation of international trade agreements, moving from agreements with 10 % of world GDP to 50% by 2030, including the delayed agreement with the European Union.
  • Reformulate the health system by generating regional areas that contain the complexities that today only exist in large cities.
  • They generate multidisciplinary strategies to achieve healthy diets.
  • Stimulate local generation of bioenergy and environmentally friendly building systems.
  • Regulate the promotion from research to the production of bioproducts that add value to local biomasses.
  • Establish a national protein production strategy, with an emphasis on beef.
  • Carbon footprint: encourage carbon footprint measurements on final products and promote the certification of producing companies, aligning public policies with public policies with the highest international requirements.
  • Verify that the development sought does not harm biodiversity, generating publicly verifiable mechanisms.
  • Promotion of the development of technologies and machinery in line with the changes in the skills of human resources, who must be trained in them.
  • Verify the change in the electricity matrix with higher percentages of renewable energies, especially in rural environments.
  • Generate a comprehensive logistics plan to increase competitiveness by improving internal and export circulation.
  • Establish a policy and instruments with the objective of Export Promotion.
  • Increasing the number of exporting SMEs, alone or in consortia, based on a strategy that facilitates them with financing, export insurance and qualification of future clients.
  • Promote the production and export of regional products, specialities and organic products.

📲 You can watch our video 5 Pillars y Let's reach every last corner.

📌 5 Pillars

🌱 Bioeconomy.

📈 Knowledge economy.

⚡️ Energy.

⛏ Mining.

🏖 Tourism.

📢 5 words that all Argentines should know, defend and advocate as factors of growth for our country.

🎯 Let us work together in the development of a State Policy Plan that transcends political cycles and allows us to develop economically to become a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable country.

🙌🏼 A Plan supported by the Citizenship on a massive scale.

A cultural change that allows us to inhabit a Argentina 🇦🇷 federal, republican, participatory, productive, integrated y regenerative that includes us all.

Citizens: let's set the agenda.

📲 You can watch our video 5 Pillars.

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#5Pillars 📌

#DecalogueBioeconomics 🌱

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