The Popular Initiative is a mechanism of direct democracy, by means of which citizens can present proposals for laws without being representatives in Congress, that is, without holding a position or belonging to any particular political party. It allows us to participate in the creation of laws and to act as true sovereigns of our country.
In Argentina, the Popular Legislative Initiative was introduced in our Constitution in 1994, with the regulatory law 24.747. It states that citizens can present bills in Congress through the signature of at least, 1.5% of the census electoral. That is, more than 500,000 people.
The arrival of the Internet, its massiveness, the possibility of creating a citizen network throughout the country, together with the great driving force for reflection and transformation that was the Pandemic, put us on the threshold of a great opportunity: to take ownership of our role as protagonists, to unite and inform ourselves in order to work together towards a common purpose: an Plan for our country structured on state policies that transcend political cycles and allow us to emerge from our persistent decline.
The Popular Initiative is a great instrument for devising, acting, impacting and transforming our reality.
Country Plan ArgentinaThe project, with the collaboration of all citizens who wish to become co-constructors, is working on a Development Plan and Sustainable Economic Growth at macro and micro level for our country based on 5 Pillarsbio-economy, energy, knowledge economy, mining and tourism, the major generators of genuine foreign exchange and quality employment at the federal level in the Argentine Republic.
The plan envisages each and every one of Argentina's provincestheir regional economiesthe production chains common to regionsthe amount of export dollarsthe amount of direct and indirect jobs that such development means more articulation and positive impact in other areas.
Citizens must set the agenda. #YoIWantAPlanforMyCountry must be the centre of the public conversationa. We must no longer accept to vote for faces and empty slogans, nor for the "least bad". The parties must work on their government programme and we, the citizens, must choose between their proposals and the candidate we consider suitable to implement it together with his or her team of ministers.
As citizens, we must have our own proposal, in order to be informed and to have an in-depth dialogue on the enormous potential, today wasted, of our country.
To present the Economic Growth and Development Plantogether with their State policiesWe will then make use of the Law 24.747.
If you feel represented by our proposal, you can join us with your email and personal details so that when we present the Plan to Congress, we have your pre-approval and the process will be faster. Your data will be protected and will not be shared with anyone. Once the plan is finalised, and you are aware of it, we will ask for your specific consent to use your signature on the Initiative. We will not include it without your explicit approval.
Let us all work together, in pursuit of a common purpose:
We Argentines, united, will succeed in moving our country forward!
Your signature makes the difference!
You can join Plan País Argentina by clicking here.